The multi-building facility was constructed in 1972 as a Holiday Inn. The property was totally devastated in 1995 by Hurricane Marilyn and was rebuilt to the current configuration in 1997. TCE provided a complete property condition assessment of the building envelope and ancillary structures including the balconies, roofs, roof terrace, facade, windows, boat dock, parking garage, and pool deck in 2003, 2005, and 2010.
After assessing the issues during the property condition assessments, water related issues with this large hotel resort called for detailed investigation, analysis, and design of repair solutions to address waterproofing replacement, flashing replacement, masonry and concrete repairs, window and door replacement, roof replacement, balcony repair, power plant restoration, parking deck repair, boat dock replacement, and facade waterproofing.
Restoration projects commenced in 2004, 2006, 2009-2012, with more scheduled for 2013.