TCE & Associates, Inc.

Goodwin House Bailey's Crossroads

3440 South Jefferson Street, Falls Church, VA

Major additions to this 17-year old continuing care retirement community included a new three-story 42,000 gsf health and wellness center, new 15-story 211,000 gsf tower with independent living units, 116,000 gsf below grade parking, renovation and recombination of units in the existing 319 unit building, as well as groupings of nurses stations and other areas. The total complex is to be reconnected with outdoor spaces including gardens, patios, and therapeutic courtyards.

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TCE & Associates, Inc.
1501 Farm Credit Dr., Suite 2300
Mclean, VA 22102

Phone: (301) 587-1820
Fax: (301) 588-1966

TCE Structural Engineers India Pvt. Ltd.
K-100, 1st Floor,
Kalkaji, New Delhi-110019

Phone: (301) 587-1820
Fax: (301) 588-1966

© 2017 Tadjer-Cohen-Edelson Associates, Inc.