Hilton Singer Island is an eight story beach front hotel located near West Palm Beach, Florida. The building frame consists of post tension concrete slabs supported by reinforced concrete columns. The main building has continuous cantilevered balconies on all four elevations. The balcony slabs are approximately five and half inch thick and have embedded aluminum handrail posts. The balcony slabs were experiencing significant deterioration with delaminated concrete posing fall safety hazards for hotel guests below.
TCE & Associates performed a condition assessment of the balconies to determine extent of concrete deterioration, post tension deterioration, failed coatings and handrail issues. The assessment revealed extensive concrete components contributed by high chlorides from the marine environment. TCE developed a repair program to repair post tension tendons and anchors, repair delaminated concrete slabs, surface mount the existing embedded post handrail system and apply new traffic bearing urethane coating and breathable soffit coatings. The repairs were performed from swing stage scaffolding with overhead protection at pedestrian access areas. Due to constraints by hotel operations and budgets, the repair program was performed in three phases over three years. .