The building at 1425 New York Avenue is a 13 story office building with a 4 level below grade parking garage. The parking garage is a post tension reinforced concrete structure that was constructed prior to the newer office building. The garage has three elevated levels and a mat slab at the lowest with perimeter reinforced concrete foundation walls. The elevated levels consist of five and half inch thick one-way post tension reinforced flat slabs spanning in the north-south direction between 16" x 16" concrete beams than run east-west. The post tension tendons are unbonded seven-wire strand with plastic sheathing.
TCE & Associates performed a condition assessment of the entire garage to determine the extent of concrete slab deterioration. The survey revealed high levels of corrosive inducing chlorides within the concrete slabs, extensive spalling concrete, broken post tension tendons, corroded post tension anchors and leakage through subgrade foundation walls. TCE developed a repair program to repair post tension slabs, repair foundation walls, beams columns and other garage structural components. In addition, the program included application of corrosion inhibitor treatment and traffic bearing urethane coating. The repair program was completed in September 2014.